Last week I was "musing" about how memories can bring us happiness, calmness, a quiet mind. How did your memory treasure hunt go? I hope you were able to relive a few memories with all your senses again. Perhaps you found a memento you purchased on a trip, an old recipe that you cooked with your grandma, a letter (ok, maybe more likely an email:)) from a loved one, a photo from a birthday party or something else. Share with us on our Blog if you would like to. It is always nice to learn from each other.
This week let's carry on a step further. If we are able to recall memories that bring us happiness how about starting to pay attention to what makes us happy. I know, I know it is a fairly large topic to grapple with. But again, we learn to be patient and observant in our yoga practices so just give yourself time.
I was in a restorative class a few weeks back when Gracy was reading from a book called The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown . (Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame.) A book as its title suggests is a great accumulation of research on a movement of letting go, on becoming more mindful about what is truly important in our lives, what is worth working towards. Sounds familiar? Yes, you probably hear those messages in Quiet Mind yoga classes.
The chapter Gracy was reading to us was about Play and Rest (Chapter 7), letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and productivity as self worth. Which is hard. In our society, in our city the first question people ask, who do you work for? How many degrees do you have? How many weekends a month do you work? We seem to think that the more overtime hours we put in, the more exhausted we sound, the more important we are. There are times in our lives when overworking is inevitable of course. But when times are calmer Dr. Brown suggests taking a good look at ourselves. Making a list of "joy and meaning" - when things go well in your life, when you feel happy what does it look like? Her and her family's answers included: "sleep, working out, healthy food, cooking, time off, weekends away, going to church, being present with the kids, a sense of control over our money, meaningful work that does not consume us, time to piddle, time with family and close friends and time to just hang out". Comparing this list with their dream list - accomplishments and acquisitions mainly - bigger house, cars, large salary goals - on this list everything required making and spending more money.
They realized that letting go many of the items on the second list, things they wanted to acquire and accomplish they would be living their dream now. Not in the future, but right now. Just as any changes in our habits, our outlook, our routine, this is yet another not so easy process. But can be so rewarding. It does not mean that you will not move into that bigger house, have that car, get the degree you want, it just helps you put it in perspective if you really need it, or you want it because that is what you think you are supposed to do. Allow yourself more time and clarity of what is truly important, what makes you happy NOW.
Hammad and I made our list as well (with our puppy, Chewy in mind of course :)), and there were some surprises there too. Some question marks and some stuff to work through but it was a great exercise. It will take some time to live by it, and I am also aware that the list will change as our life circumstances change. One thing that I came away with is that meaningful work does make me happy. I am so happy everytime I step on the mat, I am happy when I am teaching yoga, I am happy when I am writing. If I can be lucky enough to do those for the rest of my life...
I wish you good soulsearching, finding things that truly make you happy and enjoying them. NOW. Oh and if you have not seen it watch the great documentary Happy. Or look at our Summer schedule coming out next week, and join us for a movie nite watching the film together :) Happy times :)