Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year's Yoga Inspirations - AmyDara Hochberg

New Year's Yoga Inspirations #1
by AmyDara Hochberg

What does the New Year mean to you, on and off the mat? Do you perceive a year as linear or cyclic? Do you replace the previous year's calendar with days filled with events and milestones, with a new one whose blank days glow with hope and anticipation?

Do you perceive your yoga practice as linear or cyclic? Does chanting OM at the end bring your practice to full circle? Or do you perceive your practice as starting with centering and ending with savasana? Is your practice an ongoing journey, or do you wonder why your hips feel tighter than the last time you were on the mat, or are you wishing that you could already attain that elusive asana?

Can you let go of the past and the future, and focus on your breath in the present moment? Notice how deeply you can inhale, and how slowly you can exhale. Notice the small sensations in your body's movements following the breath. Notice where you feel the breath in each asana. In savasana, observe the softness of your slow, deep breath while your body absorbs the effects of asana practice.

What is your typical day like? Do you start off with a stretch and a big yawn, gauging the temperature and the light beaming through the window? Or do you blast out from under the covers into the shower, throw your clothes on, and rush to your tasks? Likewise, how do you approach bedtime? Do you have a ritual that acknowledges the conclusion of your day?

Listen to your body, your mind, and your heart. The answer lies within you.

Approach life off the mat the way you would like to approach your yoga practice on the mat. Try small changes. Light a candle or burn incense in the bathroom during your shower. Or turn all electronics off and sit with a hot cup of tea, and think of ten things that you're grateful about your day. You will discover that, no matter how frustrating your day was, it went better than you thought.

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